Saturday, December 11, 2010

~= Nursing School & BDSM =~

Our nursing school teachers decided to torture us with an assignment to make up a story using medical terminology. Of course mine had to be BDSM related because life is just too short not to turn a bit of hell (nursing school) into some fun. I had to read it to the entire class, which was uhmm, stimulating (I heard one girl say under her breath "This is making me feel so hot.") Fun indeed! The medical term is to the left. The translation of the medical term is directly to the right inside the parenthesis.

Q Ante H.S. (Every Night Before Bed)

She loved gazing with deep pexy (fixation) into his occuli (eyes), deep into his crani (head) right into his psyche (mind) searching for something in him, something occult (hidden). What was it about him that induced a rush of hemato (blood) and an overwhelming sensation of hyperpyrexia (high fever) with a mere glance from him? She did not know, but she would find out any way she could.

Fore (before, in front of) he stood with his head hyperextended toward the floor, he held his cephalo (head) steady only following carefully with his eyes as she paced in front of him. He dare not utter a word or move a myo (muscle) and as time passed he felt as if he had aphagia (difficulty swallowing) from polydipsia (excessive thirst). After what seemed an eternity of silence she placed her right carpa (hand) carefully on his shoulder with fingers juxta (near, close to) the base of his cervic (neck). Her cool touch on his derm (skin) made his pupils dilate and his body shiver. With a slight mischievous grin, she put slight pressure guiding him comfortably down to his patellae (knee caps). He let out a deep sigh happy to be back in his rightful place where he always knew he belonged, at her feet and at her service. He was so grateful a single lachry (tear) fell from his right ocul (eye).

She moved closer to him, extending her leg and in graceful planter flexion tracing in smooth kenises (motion) a thin line from his knee up his inner thigh right into his orhci (testes) giving him a megalo (large) erection. She could not help from letting out a content laugh at his erect member and upon hearing her, he felt the derma (skin) on his face suddenly turn hyperuerythmic (very red). Amused at his blushing but not satisfied with his reaction, she pressed firmly into him causing him to let out a yelp, increasing his heart rate ten-fold, making his grasto (stomach) turn, making both her stomato (mouth) and colpo (vagina) water. Eyes gleaming, indulging in his reaction, she assessed his respirations, the rapid rise and fall of his thorax (chest), patiently waiting for his dyspneic (difficulty breathing) state to return to eupnea (normal breathing).

He could feel so heavily her occuli (eyes) all around him bathing him, but still he dared not look up to her, never without her command or without her permission. Inside of him, retroperitoneal (behind the abdominal area), a wonderful warmpth swirled filling his cardi (heart) with a joy so profound he felt as though he was soaring calmly through all space and time. In this infinite space he waited suspended and servile for her storm to crash over him wreaking sublime algia (pain) once again. Every cyte (cell) in his body longed for it... he craved it again and again.

She moved suddenly past him and just as he inhaled deeply trying to take in her scent, she returned with a cart of metal covered in a single perfect leuko (white) sheet. What was on this tray he could not see. All he could hear was the calm water swishing in the soft breeze created when she delicately removed the sheet. With each sound she made while preparing her metal table, his pulse elevated and breathing increased. She graced past him with purpose and as he heard the sound of donning gloves behind him, hyperpirexia (high fever) quickly took hold of him again. Leaning down next to his left oto (ear), she carefully moved her long soft hair aside and commanded, “Into knee-chest position, now!”

-Jovial Denimore

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